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Updated: Jun 10, 2023



I'm going straight to the point, if you want to lose fat/weight, or gain muscle as a long term goal you must make it a habit. This is what this site is all about, making changes & creating habits. You fail again and again not because you don't want it bad enough but because you lack many key factors that will allow you to be successful. Not a day goes by that you don't brush your teeth (I hope lol). That is consistency! No matter what you brush your teeth, you wake up late & you still brush them. It is also commitment, commitment to good hygiene. There are 6 key factors that contribute to you failing on your fitness goals. Some of us might experience some of them and others all of them. With over a decade of experience these are the 6 factors I have concluded stop you from succeeding in your fitness journey: 1. Unrealistic goals/expectations 2. Lack of motivation/a "why" (a strong reason) 3. Poor planning 4. Lack of Knowledge 5. Social & Environmental Influences 6. Mental Health Issues (this can vary from stress, anxiety & more complex). I will go over all these factors in detail to provide you with more *knowledge to be able to get you to exercise/move like if it was part of your daily routine. For that to happen we need to create the habit.


Your goal should be crystal clear to you & SMART. Keep your goals simple, take into account your lifestyle & schedule. Once you have that figured out, find a time that’s convenient for you to workout & is not a hassle. This will make your weight loss journey much more enjoyable and not feel like chore! I will share with you specific strategies I use with my clients & details that will help you accomplish your fitness goals. My job is to turn exercising into a habit, so stay with me, clear your mind, and forget everything you think you know about fitness & changing habits. It will get a little complicated but I will break it down and make it simple for you!

To be successful in accomplishing your fitness goal you need to convince yourself that you will make this happen no matter what but you need a solid plan. In order to convince yourself you need to first change your subconscious mind, and how do you do that? Very easy, we will use your conscious mind to install beliefs, positive thoughts, and motivating ideas to make that change. I hope I am not losing you here but this is the foundation to turning exercise into a habit. This is the most important step!


Here we will create your long term goal but to do that we will need short term goals to be able to accomplish the long term goal. Your goals need to be clear and not left for interpretation. To be able to pull this off we will work with the acronym S.M.A.R.T.

Specific- When setting fitness goals, it is essential to be as specific as possible. General goals like "I want to be healthier" or "I want to lose weight" are too vague and make it challenging to track progress. A specific goal, on the other hand, is clearly defined and leaves no room for interpretation. Specific goals include things like "I want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month" or "I want to increase my stamina so I can run a 5k in 5 weeks."How much weight do you want to lose? How much muscle do you want to gain? and by when. Be specific!

Measurable- Measurable goals make it easy to track progress. When you can see how far you've come, it motivates you to keep going. Measurable goals are based on objective data, such as numbers, distances, or percentages. Examples of measurable goals include "I want to increase my bench press by 10 pounds" or "I want to run a mile in under 7 minutes. "How do you know if you are getting closer to your goal, how are you tracking your progress? Weigh-ins, measurements etc.

Attainable- Setting achievable goals means avoiding unrealistic expectations. While it's admirable to set challenging goals, it's equally important to ensure that they are within reach. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment, which can ultimately derail your fitness journey. An achievable goal is one that is challenging but possible with effort and commitment. For instance, if you currently don't exercise regularly, an achievable goal would be to work out for 20 minutes three times a week. Ask yourself if the time you are willing to invest on yourself is doable, meaning is it too much of a hassle for you to get this started? You need to decide how many days a week you will exercise. I recommend 3x to 4x a week depending on your schedule & fitness level. For example beginners 3x a week every other day for instance Monday, Wednesday & Friday but you can choose what ever fits your schedule.

Relevant/Realistic- Relevance is all about ensuring that your fitness goals matter to you and your lifestyle. A relevant goal is one that aligns with your interests, values, and long-term aspirations. If, for example, you're not interested in strength training, setting a goal to add 20 pounds to your deadlift may not be relevant to you. A more relevant goal might be to improve your flexibility or incorporate more cardio into your exercise routine. Is your goal realistic? Are they relevant to your particular needs and abilities? For example, you cannot say you will go run a mile when you have not ran in 2 years. You need to set yourself up for success. It will seem too easy for you in the beginning but remember you are just starting and we need to build your confidence up to then start challenging yourself. Regardless of what your fitness level is. You lack consistency which is the reason you stop working out. So, this here will help us build consistency. At first you are motivated and ready to get it done but eventually that feeling dies down after a week or two.

Time-bound- Setting a deadline or timeframe for your fitness goal helps you stay motivated and focused. Having a set timeframe promotes a sense of urgency and makes it easier to measure progress. Time-bound goals have a specific deadline or timeframe associated with them. Examples include "I want to run a half marathon in six months" or "I want to lose five pounds in the next four weeks." Here you have have to decide by when you want to accomplish your goal. I recommend 12 weeks, if you need to lose 8-20 lbs. Why 12 weeks? Well, the training program I have designed is broken down into 3 phases. Phase 1, building confidence and consistency for the first 4 weeks. Phase 2, (week 5-8) building on that confidence to challenge yourself, to push more during the workouts. Phase 3 (week 9-12) to add an additional day of workout & work on a zone that will push you pass your limits.

The body transformation program I created during this pandemic was done through zoom. It was such a success that everyone wanted to do it again so this time around I decided to record all the workouts of the program so that I can share them with you all free of cost. I put myself through all the workouts, share fitness advice, my life stories during the classes and I just try to make it a fun time so everyone can enjoy it.

Here is how your fitness goal should be written:

I will lose 15lbs by November 15. I will workout 3x a week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday right after work at 7:00PM. I will do my very best to make this happen because this will make me feel amazing. I will have the body I always wanted but most importantly I will be healthier. I will eat less junk food & make better choices when it comes to eating. I WILL DO THIS!

I will lose/gain (how many pounds) by (12 weeks from the date you decide to start). I will workout (how many times a week). I will do my very best to make this happen because this will make me feel amazing. (visualize how you will feel when you will accomplish this, feel it use your emotions) I will have the body I always wanted but most importantly I will be healthier. (Add here what other changes you will do to help you lose/gain weight) I will eat less junk food & make better choices when it comes to eating. I WILL DO THIS! (say this to yourself right before you go to sleep & after you wake up first thing in the morning. Do not forget to put emotions behind your words, believe it, feel it & see it). This affirmation will help you mold your subconscious mind. Of course try to make it your own words but most importantly believe it, feel it, visualize it. This will shape your mind and your body will follow!

Creating SMART fitness goals can help you achieve success in your fitness journey. The specificity, measurability, achievability, relevance, and time-bound nature of SMART goals provide a roadmap for success. With SMART goals, you can clearly define what you want to achieve and when, measure your progress, and stay motivated along the way. So set SMART goals, stay committed, and enjoy the journey towards a healthier you!

To make sure your goal has a solid plan please go read STEP 2 DEVELOP A PLAN

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